Boarding Life
In October 2022, Jerudong International School was awarded the prestigious Patron’s Accredited Member status by the Council for British International Schools (COBIS). JIS was given ‘Beacon Status’ for ‘Outstanding Practice in Boarding.
A Day in the Life of a Boarding Student
Take a look into the daily routine of Shreya, a boarding student at JIS. Her experience transitioning from day student to boarder when she first came to Brunei was transformative. From academics to performing arts and sustainability work, Shreya's day highlights the enriching opportunities students are provided.
Click here to read more about the day to day experience of being a boarding student at Jerudong International School (JIS)
4pm – 4.30pm
End of School
4pm – 4.30pm
Back to the Boarding House...
End of School
4pm – 4.30pm
The school day officially finishes at 3pm, but we’re so busy with CCAs, study clubs and all the other fun after-school activities on offer that we rarely get back to the Boarding House until at least 4pm.
4.30pm – 4.45pm
House Meeting
4.30pm – 4.45pm
The whole House comes together...
House Meeting
4.30pm – 4.45pm
Every day our whole House gets together and our Head of House gives us any information we need to know. More importantly, it’s a chance for us to catch up with everyone and celebrate any achievements from our House members for the day.
4.45pm – 5.45pm
4.45pm – 5.45pm
Guided study time...
4.45pm – 5.45pm
We all have our own individual study space equipped with a computer and access to high-speed Wi-Fi, as well as communal spaces to work on collaborative projects. The best thing about study time is that there’s always a teacher around to help if we get stuck.
5.45pm – 6.30pm
Outdoor Activity
5.45pm – 6.30pm
Time to blow off some steam...
Outdoor Activity
5.45pm – 6.30pm
One of the best things about living in the Boarding House is living with so many friends and being able to play outside with them every day. With basketball and volleyball courts as well as a massive playing field, there’s always some kind of sport going on.
6.30pm – 7.30pm
6.30pm – 7.30pm
Healthy, hearty and absolutely delicious!
6.30pm – 7.30pm
We have the option of making our own food, but hardly anyone does because the food here is so delicious! There are options to suit every dietary requirement and we even have themed food nights with different cuisines from all over the world.
7.30pm – 8pm
7.30pm – 8pm
Time to get those creative juices flowing...
7.30pm – 8pm
Each House has a piano and a dedicated music area, so we all have the opportunity to practice music after school. Some students like to practice on their own, but sometimes we’ll invite boarders from other Houses to work on joint projects.
8pm – 9.15pm
Common Room
8pm – 9.15pm
And relax...
Common Room
8pm – 9.15pm
The Common Room is one of the most fun places to hang out in the Boarding House. With pool and table tennis, board games, music and movies, students from all year groups come here to relax and chat about their day.
9.15pm – 9.30pm
Matron's Room
9.15pm – 9.30pm
Everyone's favourite person...
Matron's Room
9.15pm – 9.30pm
Matron is the first person we go to with any problems, issues or if we just want to chat to an adult who isn’t a teacher. Not only is she medically trained so we all feel safe, she is also an amazing listener!
9.30pm – 9.45pm
9.30pm – 9.45pm
Good night, sleep tight...
9.30pm – 9.45pm
As the day comes to an end, we head to our bedrooms and get ready for lights out. Up until Year 10 we all hand in our electronic devices to make sure that nobody is disturbed and we all get a restful night's sleep.